Author Archives: Bob Windish

Core Aeration
October 8, 2016 | Bob Windish
Why should I Aerate my lawn? The simple answer is core aeration reduces soil compaction, thatch build up, and promotes healthy root growth. Soil compaction and heavy thatch build up can greatly reduce the flow of water and nutrients into the soil. This results in reduced uptake of water and nutrients, lower oxygen levels in...
Grub Control
August 8, 2016 | Bob Windish
Grubs cause substantial and costly damage to lawns in our area every year. Grub damage is permanent and will require seeding to repair areas that have been damaged. Fairway Green Inc. can help protect your lawn from unsightly damage with grub control....

How To Water A Lawn
July 19, 2016 | Bob Windish
What happens if I don’t water? All living things need water to survive, and your lawn is no exception. Each summer, many lawns in our area experience heat and moisture stress, causing them to turn brown. Without proper irrigation, these lawns may remain brown until regular and consistent rainfall returns. Correctly watering your lawn will...

Emerald Ash Borer Damage and Control
June 28, 2016 | Bob Windish
The concern for Emerald Ash Borer damage has been on the rise in New Jersey, especially now that many homeowners are seeing the impact to their trees first hand. The damage is fairly easy to spot and quite noticeable this time of year as the infested ash trees will have significant leaf loss and thin...