Author Archives: Bob Windish

Sprinkler Setup Throughout the Difference Seasons
May 11, 2021 | Bob Windish
Let’s imagine you just had a new underground irrigation system installed on your property and the technician sets up your watering schedule. Now all you need to do is sit back and enjoy that nice green lawn all year long. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy! Having one watering schedule set for your whole lawn throughout...

Benefits of Annual Mulching
April 20, 2021 | Bob Windish
It always seems like the list of things we need to do around the house keeps on growing, especially when it comes to maintaining the lawn and landscape. One of the items on the list should be mulching, it not only makes your landscape look great, but it also provides other benefits that can save...

Getting Outside this Spring
April 9, 2021 | Bob Windish
It is safe to say that 2020 was a long, long year. Covid-19 has taken a physical, emotional and/or financial toll on most Americans and now we have been dealing with the winter blues. The winter blues are real. Many suffer from a lack of motivation, eating issues, trouble sleeping and sadness during the dark...

Hairy Bittercress: The Winter Invader
March 9, 2021 | Bob Windish
With over 30 years of experience in lawn care, I can say without question the most common misconception is that broadleaf weeds are preventable. There is nothing that makes customers more frustrated than seeing broadleaf weeds in a lawn they are paying to have maintained. So why do broadleaf weeds pop up in maintained lawns...

Organic Fertilizers
February 25, 2021 | Bob Windish
Throughout the past decade, there has been increased interest in customers wanting to learn about organic lawn care. Our experience with customers that contact us regarding organic treatments is they are more interested in reducing weed control, insect control, and disease control on their property, while the source of the fertilizer is less important. This...

Feed Your Seed
August 20, 2020 | Bob Windish
Every year countless homeowners evaluate their lawn and decide it is time to seed. They warn their lawn care technician in hopes of having them avoid the newly seeded areas. While it is important that the lawn care applicator/technician be aware of the newly planted seed, thinking the area needs to be avoided is a...

Mower Traffic Stress
July 13, 2020 | Bob Windish
I have walked countless properties with homeowners during service visits to their lawns, and one of the questions I’m asked frequently is, “If your company is taking care of my lawn, where are these bare spots coming from?” The question is often posed after we have strolled past several seemingly random bald patches of lawn...

Summer Lawn Care Mistakes
July 13, 2020 | Bob Windish
Maintaining a lawn can be difficult through the varying environmental and cultural factors we see here in New Jersey. For example, common mistakes with mowing and watering can greatly impact the health and appearance of your lawn. Below we have outlined some common mistakes homeowners make throughout the summer months and what can be done...

What Causes Lawn Disease?
June 25, 2020 | Bob Windish
Each year homeowners call about areas of their lawn turning brown or dying and want us to come evaluate the problem. There are several different things that could be causing the issue; however, disease is the most questioned and misunderstood diagnosis. What causes lawn disease? The environment is the biggest factor in why your lawn...

Nutsedge: Causes and How We Can Treat It
June 24, 2020 | Bob Windish
As a homeowner with a maintained lawn, you may have heard of something called Nutsedge. Sometimes referred to as “sedgegrass,” “nutgrass,” or “watergrass,” this undesirable plant that tends to grow in wet areas is troublesome to many home lawns. Also, nutsedge is not a grass or a broadleaf weed, it is in the sedge family....