Author Archives: Bob Windish
Property Aging, Soil Compaction and Erosion
February 18, 2020 | Bob Windish
It is believed that 35 million years ago the Colorado River flowed over what was then nothing more than a vast plain. However, after hundreds of millennia the river carved a giant trench into the earth’s surface more than 5000 feet deep and 277 miles long. This great trench we now call The Grand Canyon...

OH Deer – Deer eating more “resistant” plants
February 12, 2020 | Bob Windish
As deer populations rise and their habitat decreases, their food supply also dwindles. Year after year we receive calls about deer resistant plants being eaten when the plants were supposed to be disliked by deer. In some cases, it may be a little nibbling and in others, plants are completely devoured. So why is this happening?...

Lawn Care 2019 Year End Summary
November 26, 2019 | Bob Windish
More often than not, the weather is what defines each year in the lawn care industry and 2019 was no exception. The amount of precipitation shaped the issues in lawns this year. In 2018 we saw the highest annual precipitation total ever recorded. In 2019 this continued, and the excessive soil moisture persisted through the...

Bagworms and Treatment Methods
August 8, 2019 | Bob Windish
Have you ever noticed pine cone shaped or cocoon-like sacs on ornamental trees and shrubs in the spring and summer time? These are not normal pine cones that we see on evergreen plants in the winter time, instead they are a type of caterpillar that creates this ‘bag’ around it as it feeds on the...

Minimizing Disease Activity: Cultural Practice and Fungicides
July 12, 2019 | Bob Windish
The grass on your property is sometimes easy to dismiss as just ground cover, or a playing surface, or even some sort of given amenity that comes with the purchase of a home. However, the reality is that the lawn is a living thing; and not only that, it is an entire population of living...

Boxwood Blight
July 8, 2019 | Bob Windish
Relatively new to New Jersey, the destructive disease boxwood blight can cause substantial damage to Boxwood plants. Because boxwoods are commonly used in landscapes in our area, this disease has the potential to be widespread across many landscapes. First identified in the United States in October 2011, the disease made its way to New Jersey...

The Benefits of Preventative Grub Control
June 25, 2019 | Bob Windish
As the old saying goes “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This statement is spot on when it comes to preventing grubs and the damage associated with them. Beetle Life Cycle Before we get into the benefits of preventative grub control, we need to understand grubs and how they can impact...

Japanese Beetles
June 20, 2019 | Bob Windish
Unfortunately for New Jersey residents, the Japanese beetle causes damage on lawns and plants everywhere. Japanese beetles have been found to feed on over 275 species of plants. This little beetle feeds on the leaves, fruits, and flowers of many plants, including the lindon, Japanese maple, cherry, plum and crabapple trees. Additionally, rose plants are...

Brown Patch Lawn Disease
June 3, 2019 | Bob Windish
There are several different lawn diseases that plague nearly all the desirable turf species in our area. One of the most frustrating and damaging of these is caused by the dreaded pathogen rhizoctonia solani, or what we commonly refer to as brown patch. This microscopic menace can survive embedded in plant tissue or on the...

Scale Insects on Landscape Plants
May 21, 2019 | Bob Windish
Scale insects hiding on plants in New Jersey can cause substantial damage to a homeowner’s landscape. Of the most common insects, scale is a small insect that feeds on sap from many plants. Below we discuss the two main categories of scale insects, the damage they cause, their life cycle and the ways to control...